Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Why would someone want to experience a QHHT Session? What are the benefits?
Some people are looking for help with healing a physical issue or disease. Other people have experienced traumas, emotional issues or relationship problems. Some people want to know what their life purpose is, or if they are on the right path. Still others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers.
During a QHHT Session you may experience one or more "lives" and discover deep and profound connections to your current life situation. You can also make a connection to your Higher Self or Oversoul, that part of us that Dolores Cannon calls the Subconscious . There we can ask for answers and appropriate healing. During the session we can invite your spirit guides and Ascended Masters to join us.
Dolores Cannon and QHHT History and Information
Dolores Cannon, practiced her method for 46 years. You can read more about her at www.dolorescannon.com and watch her thousands of videos on YouTube.
Worldwide List of QHHT Dedicated Practitioners
I would be most happy to assist you with a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session. However, if you are in another part of the world and are looking for someone closer to where you live, you might have a look at the roster of DPs right
Mary M. Truitt
QHHT Recommeded Practitioner
Reiki Master
Reconnective Healing Practitioner
Energy Healer
Intuitive Counseling